[2024 Update] The 6 different types of traffic cameras in Singapore

Published by on . Updated on 4 Apr 2024

Hey Speedsters(Photo Credit: Pexels)

To deter speedsters from driving recklessly, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Traffic Police have put in place six different types of traffic enforcement cameras around the island.

Here's a detailed guide on all six of them.

1. Fixed Speed Camera

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The first type of speed camera is the Fixed Speed Camera (FSC). FSCs are usually bright in colour and are adequately visible from 500 metres away. The reason why they are called FSCs is because they are rooted to the ground and possess enhanced functions to better identify speeding vehicles from afar.

These cameras will, and for sure, put a halt to speed demons when they see these brightly painted cameras standing tall, staring into every car that drives past. With a colour that stands out, drivers would be able to distinguish these cameras from a distance as they are clearly noticeable.

As of the time of publishing, there are 29 of these cameras implemented islandwide to complement the Mobile Speed Cameras.

2. Mobile Speed Camera

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As mentioned above, Mobile Speed Cameras (MSC) are currently in operation and they are positioned across various locations in Singapore. MSCs are rather similar to the FSCs, however they are only positioned temporarily in one location and can be moved around as they do not have a fixed position. These cameras can be set up within a week and run on battery which can be considered as more efficient.

MSCs are more "lethal" in a sense that they are more "pin-point" when it comes to bringing speedsters to justice. At one go, a MSC can capture up to 32 cars that go beyond the speed limit.

The Singapore rozzers have installed five of these cameras islandwide to date. Although running into one on the road might seem rare, be cautious of your driving speed and always prioritise safety!

3. Police Speed Laser Camera

Lasergun(Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The third type of traffic camera is the Police Speed Laser Camera (PSLC). This camera utilises modern day radar and frequency technology. PSLCs are quite different from the two cameras mentioned earlier. The size of a PSLC is very similar to a DSLR and is usually mounted on a tripod. It also has to be manned by an enforcement officer.

To operate it, the officer needs to target the camera at moving cars to capture their speeds. These cameras are commonly found on overhead bridges, but they could be lurking around bends and corners too. With PSLCs, drivers would be forced to slow down on common roads and not just expressways. With these cameras, LTA and the Traffic Police hope to create a safer environment for pedestrians and motorists in neighbourhood areas.I

These manned cameras are deployed at 57 locations islandwide. To avoid getting caught, always remember to slow down when approaching an overhead bridge or a bend, lest you land yourself a fine.

4. Red Light Cameras

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The fourth type of camera is the Red Light Camera (RLC). Similar to FSCs, these cameras are also rooted to the ground but not all RLCs are painted brightly–some are plain white. As the name suggests, these cameras are located at traffic lights to capture any vehicle that beat the red light. When that happens, the RLC will usually give off a flash.

The number of RLCs have increased tremendously from 120 in 2015 to 242 in April 2024. These cameras play a crucial role in preventing fatalities and accidents at heavy road junctions. The Singapore Police Force (SPF) have also replaced the old film red light cameras with digital ones which are more precise. In other words, you can never escape from getting caught.

Be sure to keep a look out and slow down when approaching a traffic light junction. It's always better to be safe than sorry after all. For those unaware, red light offenders will be given 12 demerit points and a S$400 fine. 

5. Red Light + Fixed Speed Cameras

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As of 1 April 2024, the Traffic Police have announced that they will progressively activate the speed enforcement function in some of its red light cameras. This means that the red light cameras will now also be able to catch motorists who are above the speed limit through the junction. 

There is no official information on any physical markers to differentiate these cameras from conventional red-light cameras. TP have also not revealed exactly which red light cameras have had this feature activated but have said that they will roll it out first at violation and accident prone areas. 

However, TP has compiled a list of the top 10 locations for red-light running and speeding violations which you can view here and may serve as a clue for where these cameras may be. 

6. Average Speed Cameras

Motorist Traffic Average Speed Camera(Photo Credit: Ministry of Home Affairs)

On 10 May 2018, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Traffic Police announced a new type of speed camera that will be operational in Singapore, starting the fourth quarter of this year.

Called average speed cameras (ACS), these devices use a two-point camera system to calculate the average speed of a vehicle as it enters and exits an enforcement area. If a vehicle's average speed exceeds the legal limit, it will be deemed as speeding.

The ACS have been in operation along Tanah Merah Coast Road for quite some time now but have yet to be installed elsewhere in Singapore. 

To learn more about this new camera, as well as existing speed cameras in Singapore, please watch the video below:


After getting to know the different types of traffic cameras in Singapore, we hope this will make you think twice about speeding. The consequences of your actions could cost the safety and lives of others. Remember, it's never too late to stop bad driving habits like speeding, beating red lights and driving recklessly.

If you're still worried about getting caught by traffic cameras, you can visit SPF's website here to find out the locations of all the cameras or simply download the Motorist app and use the Co-Driver feature. Designed by drivers for drivers, the Motorist app is a crowd-sourced mobile platform where drivers help one another to identify and avoid traffic incidents, including mobile speed cameras and PSLCs.

Super App for
Vehicle Owners

Download the new Motorist app now. Designed by drivers for drivers, this all-in-one app lets you receive the latest traffic updates, gives you access to live traffic cameras, and helps you manage LTA and vehicle matters.


Rajeeth Nasir
Red kight camera

over 4 years ago

Eric Css
Regarding the red light camera, if happen I pass through during orange light, half way front car sudden stop, and light turn to red, am I get caught?

almost 6 years ago

Jerome Lim
Regarding red light camera, your statement "If you happen to be a P-Plate driver, your license will instantly be revoked." isn't true. Still will have license, just that if you lose any more points, license will be revoked. Source: me, ran red light 1 month after pass, still got license.

almost 6 years ago

Aloysius Fong
Your number 5 article is inaccurate as there is no such camera situated at that area.

over 6 years ago

Does the handheld one work at night?

over 6 years ago