Top 3 Reasons Why Defensive Driving Is Really Important

Published by on . Updated on 18 May 2020

(Photo Credit: Matthew T Rader)

No one wants to have an automobile accident. There are times when drivers on the road are being irresponsible, reckless, and distracted. These drivers are asking for an accident.

But, there are times when the driver is doing the right things, yet they must control and operate their vehicle in a way that protects them from another driver. Perhaps a car has broken down and is blocking a lane that curves, making it impossible to see. Drivers who are skilled in defensive driving and follow the instructions and tips in training books like Driving Guide, know how to avoid that situation.

A defensive driver will slow his vehicle as he approaches a curve that blocks his line of vision. When he encounters the vehicle he will make a split-second decision to determine which way to turn to avoid the accident.

Defensive driving is a wide topic. It includes (but is not limited to):

  • What to do if your car becomes disabled while you are driving
  • When to reduce your speed and proceed cautiously
  • Expecting the unexpected
  • How to drive in all road conditions
  • How to measure the space between you and another vehicle
  • How to ensure you are not distracted or otherwise impaired while driving

(Photo credit: Todd Diemer)

Being Aware of the Dangers Around You

If you are driving in an area that is congested with traffic, of course, you will watch the cars. But, what if you are driving in an area that is congested with people? If you are going through a residential area, you must be prepared for the possibility of someone dashing onto the road. In some areas, you must expect the occasional animal to venture into your space. If you are a defensive driver, you will know the safest way to handle the situation.

(Photo credit: Chien Pham)

The Top 3 Reasons Why Defensive Driving Is Really Important

1. Defensive driving can save your life

Defensive driving can save the lives of your passengers and the life of the at-fault driver. You may not prevent the accident, but you might be able to determine the outcome of the crash. Although it might be tricky at first, but with experience, it will become second nature.

2. Insurance costs.
It costs a lot of money to own and operate a car. Insurance is a necessary expense that all drivers must have. There are various factors that must be considered when buying car insurance. If you are in an accident and the other driver is at fault, their insurance will pay for damages. Unfortunately, depending on your insurance carrier, your insurance rates, and coverage amounts could go up substantially.

3. Physical, emotional, financial, and mental problems often follow an accident.
If you or someone you love was hurt while you were driving, you might feel misplaced guilt because you could not avoid the accident. If a death occurs and you were the driver, you may develop survivor’s guilt, a fear of driving, or other emotional issues. Your state of mind may even disrupt your daily life. Even if there is no problem with insurance coverage, you might be hit with unexpected financial burdens. You will need transportation while your automobile is being repaired. You may have to miss work due to pain or take time from your busy schedule to visit doctors. These are just some examples of uncertainties that might happen after an accident.


Automobile accidents are a fact of life. Sometimes things are just unavoidable. However, if you are a defensive driver, it might reduce your chances of a serious, life-changing accident.

This article was written by Ashley Lipman.

Ashley is an award-winning writer who discovered her passion in providing creative solutions for building brands online. Since her first high school award in Creative Writing, she continues to deliver awesome content through various niches

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1 Comment

Adeline Teo
great tips!

about 6 years ago