[2025 Update] Traffic offences in Singapore that carry demerit points & composition fines

Published by on . Updated on 13 Feb 2025

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(Photo Credit: Singapore Police Force)

Here is the full list of traffic offences that carry demerit points and composition fines in Singapore. Known as the Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS), it was implemented by the Traffic Police in 1983.

For those unaware, motorists who commit traffic offences will accumulate demerit points (it starts at 0 points) under the Driver Improvement Points System (DIPS).

Under DIPS, a motorist (with no prior suspension record with the Traffic Police) who accumulates 24 or more demerit points within 24 months will be suspended for a period of 12 weeks.

If a motorist has been previously suspended, their licence will be liable for subsequent suspension if they accumulate 12 or more demerit points within 12 consecutive months.

The suspension periods after the 1st suspension are as follows:

(a) 2nd suspension: 24 weeks
(b) 3rd suspension: 1 year
(c) 4th suspension: 2 years
(d) 5th suspension (onwards): 3 years.

For new or probationary drivers, their new driving licence will be revoked when they accumulate 13 or more demerit points during their probation period (12 months). Not only will their licence be revoked, but they will need to retake all the necessary driving tests (both theory and practical) to obtain a licence again. In addition, they can only retake the driving tests one year after the revocation of their licence.

Here’s a table highlighting every traffic offence that carries demerit points and composition fines. For those unaware, a composition fine is the exchange of monetary payment in order to avoid prosecution in the court of law.

Traffic Offence Outside Silver Zones and School Zones Demerit Points Composition Fine
Light Vehicle
Heavy Vehicle
Stopping in yellow box - $100 $150
Insufficient warning signals
Making an unauthorised U-turn
Vehicles with a 60km/h vehicular speed limit failing to keep left

Carrying excess pillion or pillion is not sitting astride



Rider failing to wear a helmet or wearing a helmet insecurely
Disobeying traffic direction of a Police officer, employee of Authority, or security officer engaged in regulating traffic
Conveying load not properly secured
Using tyres with ply or cord carcass exposed
Driver failing to wear a seatbelt or failing to ensure every passenger wears a seatbelt
Driver failing to ensure that a passenger below the height of 1.35 metres is properly secured by an approved child restraint or body-restraining seatbelt
Parking abreast of another vehicle
Parking within a pedestrian crossing
Stopping in a zebra crossing area
Parking within a Demerit Points No Parking Zone
Stopping within a Demerit Points No Stopping Zone
Driver failing to fill up every passenger seat in the driver’s cabin, or any additional cabin or enclosed space provided for the carriage of passengers or goods, before carrying any person on the floor of open deck goods vehicle

Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 1 to 20 km/h*

Exceeding the road speed limit by 1 to 20 km/h*
Failing to give way to oncoming traffic a controlled junction*
Failing to give way at an uncontrolled junction, junction, or roundabout*
Crossing double white lines or a road divider*
Obstructing the flow of traffic
Forming up incorrectly when turning left or right*
Failing to give way to emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire brigades or Police vehicles
Driving in a dangerous manner while carrying load
Stopping on the shoulder or verge of an expressway
Stopping or remaining at rest on the carriageway of an expressway

Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 21 to 30 km/h*



Exceeding the road speed limit by 21 to 30 km/h*
Driving on the shoulder of expressways
Failing to securely tie or attach goods to a goods vehicle to prevent the goods from falling off
Offences committed by motorists at a pedestrian crossing*
Driving or riding against the flow of traffic as indicated by traffic signs*
Carrying passengers on a motor vehicle or trailer in a dangerous manner
Reversing unnecessarily on expressways
Failing to obey the 1.1 metres height restriction for persons carried on open deck goods vehicle
Carrying passengers when the clear floor space of the open deck goods vehicle is insufficient
Careless driving endangering life*

Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 31 to 40 km/h*



Exceeding the road speed limit by 31 to 40 km/h*

Carrying passengers on a goods vehicle in a dangerous manner

Careless driving causing hurt*

Failing to conform to traffic light signals*


Using mobile communication devices while driving*


Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 41 to 50 km/h*


Prosecution in court
Exceeding the road speed limit by 41 to 50 km/h*

Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 51 to 60 km/h*

Exceeding the road speed limit by 51 to 60 km/h*

Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by more than 60 km/h

Exceeding the road speed limit by more than 60 km/h
Reckless or dangerous driving

*With effect from 1 July 2021, motorists who commit these specified offences in School or Silver Zones will incur two additional demerit points on top of the original demerit points for the offence. In addition, the composition fines for these offences committed will be raised by $100, subject to the total fine not exceeding $500.

The updated demerit points and composition fines for such offences within School and Silver Zones can be found in the table below.

Appeal Letter Template: For Traffic Fines and Parking Offences in Singapore

Traffic Offence Within Silver Zones and School Zones

Demerit Points

Composition Fine
Light Vehicle Heavy Vehicle
Disobeying traffic direction of a Police officer, employee of Authority, or security officer engaged in regulating traffic 5 $250 $300
Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 1 to 20 km/h




Exceeding the road speed limit by 1 to 20 km/h
Forming up incorrectly when turning left or right
Driver failing to give way to oncoming traffic at controlled junction
Driver failing to give way at uncontrolled junction
Driver failing to give way at a junction of a one way road where traffic flows from left to right
Driver failing to give way on the right at junction
Driver failing to give way at roundabout
Crossing double white lines or road divider
Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 21 to 30 km/h




Exceeding the road speed limit by 21 to 30 km/h
Driving or riding against the flow of traffic
Driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users (where no hurt is caused)
Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 31 to 40 km/h


Exceeding the road speed limit by 31 to 40 km/h
Driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users (where hurt is caused) 11
Failing to conform to traffic light signals 14 $500
Using a mobile communicative device while driving 14
Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 41 to 50 km/h


Prosecution in court

Exceeding the road speed limit by 41 to 50 km/h
Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by 51 to 60 km/h


Exceeding the road speed limit by 51 to 60 km/h
Exceeding the vehicular speed limit by more than 60 km/h


Exceeding the road speed limit by more than 60 km/h
Reckless or dangerous driving

*Motorists who incur 24 demerit points and above instantly face licence suspension

There are also fines and demerit points you may incur as a result of ERP-related transgressions. 

ERP Offence Demerit Points Fine Amount
Passing through ERP gantry without IU - $70
Passing through ERP gantry without properly inserted CashCard in IU or one with insufficient monetary value - ERP charge + $10
Evasion of ERP tolls 4 $130 – $160

Here’s the good news! Demerit points collected are not permanent. They are instantly waived if the driver does not accumulate any additional demerit points for 12 months after his last offence.

The same applies for suspensions as well—they will be cleared from a driver’s record if he doesn’t commit any offences for two years after his licence was suspended.

However, do note that a driver’s licence will be revoked if he is suspended for driving from 12 months or longer. In order to get the licence back, he will have to re-sit for the theory test and traffic police driving test.

Last but not least, drivers who have not committed any traffic offences for three years straight will enjoy an additional 5% discount when renewing their car insurance at selected insurance companies. This discount is on top of their No-Claim Discount (NCD).

However, this discount is only eligible if they have not made any claims on their insurance for the past three years.

We hope you now have a better understanding of traffic offences in Singapore. Do note that the table above does not include most parking offences, as they do not come with demerit points.

For a full list of parking offences, check out our article here.

To check if you have any existing traffic offences, download the Motorist App and register your vehicle. You will receive a notification from us once a traffic offence has been detected. You can even pay the fine or file an appeal through the Motorist App.

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Vehicle Owners

Read More: Appeal Letter Template: For Traffic Fines and Parking Offences in Singapore

Download the new Motorist App now. Designed by drivers for drivers, this all-in-one app lets you receive the latest traffic updates, gives you access to live traffic cameras, and helps you manage LTA and vehicle matters.

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Deddy Kool
What’s the penalty for over-passengers in a 7 seater car?? What’s the fine/points for it? For example 8/9 passengers in a 7-seater car, what’s the (fine/demerit/court ) for this offence?

7 months ago

How long does it take to reflect on tp website?

over 1 year ago

Shahin Mirja
Any fine for crossing red light without red light camera Junction?

almost 2 years ago

Must car or any vehicle stop at the Zebra Crossing with a stop line even thou there are no pedestrian crossing?

over 2 years ago

Can I get driver jobs when my demerit point is less than 10?

almost 4 years ago