asked about Scrap/Export Car

almost 5 years ago

I applied for the deregistration of my non-PARF eligible vehicle before the Circuit Breaker was announced, but I couldn't get my vehicle to the scrapyard in time as my vehicle is not in driving condition. I have to send my car to the scrapyard within 8 days of the application if not it would be cancelled. Furthermore, my insurance/road tax will be due during this period. Will the Circuit Breaker measures by LTA also include a time extension? Since the car is not drivable, there's no need to renew the insurance/road tax right?

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1 Answer

Hello Hazlan, thank you for your enquiry, not to worry. In light of the new Circuit Breaker period, LTA has announced that owners who de-register their vehicles, or whose one-month deadline for disposing of their de-registered vehicles falls within this period, will be given an additional two months to dispose of their vehicles as all LTA-authorised scrapyards and Export Processing Zones, and other vehicle exporters will not be in operation. Do refer to this article for more details

almost 5 years ago