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almost 5 years ago

Hi, I have renewed my car insurance, but my car inspection must be done by 12 June 2020. With the Circuit Breaker on, can I renew my road tax without having my car inspected? I will not know whether the Circuit Breaker will be extended after 5 May 2020.

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1 Answer

Wilfred Fong

Hi Joseph, according to LTA, all periodic inspections for private cars will be suspended during this Circuit Breaker. To facilitate continued usage, LTA will allow the road tax for such private cars to be renewed for six months if they have valid insurance coverage. However, as your inspection is scheduled to be done after the date for the Circuit Breaker, this is subjected to relevant instructions from the authorities then as we would not know. Hope this helps.

If the circuit breaker is not extended, you will continue with your inspection as per normal. If the circuit breaker is extended, the authorities will issue out further instructions.


almost 5 years ago