In Singapore, drivers of all vehicle classes under 65 years old have to undergo a vision test at driving centres before they can obtain their driving license. On the other hand, drivers above the age of 65 years old (for Class 2 and 3 categories) will have to undergo a medical exam once every 3 years to be certified fit to drive.
- Drivers with Class 1 to 3 license (non-commercial driving) – visual acuity of at least 6/12 in one eye.
If the visual acuity of the poorer eye is less than 6/36, the
horizontal field of vision should be at least 120°.
- Drivers of commercial vehicles (eg. Taxi, private hire car service, bus, goods vehicles etc) – visual acuity of at least 6/12 in both eyes.
Hi Ray Redmi, thank you for your question.
In Singapore, drivers of all vehicle classes under 65 years old have to undergo a vision test at driving centres before they can obtain their driving license. On the other hand, drivers above the age of 65 years old (for Class 2 and 3 categories) will have to undergo a medical exam once every 3 years to be certified fit to drive.
- Drivers with Class 1 to 3 license (non-commercial driving) – visual acuity of at least 6/12 in one eye.
If the visual acuity of the poorer eye is less than 6/36, the
horizontal field of vision should be at least 120°.
- Drivers of commercial vehicles (eg. Taxi, private hire car service, bus, goods vehicles etc) – visual acuity of at least 6/12 in both eyes.