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asked about General

about 7 years ago

Can I install canopies that do not cover the entire carriage deck of the lorry?

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How can we
assist you?

1 Answer

Michael Vu

Canopies installed on the lorry need not necessarily cover the entire carriage deck. However, if you wish to use your lorry to carry workers on the carriage deck, please ensure that all the workers so carried are safely seated under the canopy.

Come 1 August 2011, which MPC label should be affixed on the lorries? The one with the yellow background or the one with the black background?

Lorries registered before 1 January 2010 and used to transport workers will continue to display MPC label with white characters on black background. Lorries registered on or after 1 January 2010 and used to transport workers will display MPC label with black characters on yellow background.

Source: LTA


about 7 years ago