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over 8 years ago

I have bought a car 1.5 month back (bought with STA evaluation graded B) and after using for 1.5 months the car displayed many signs of problems. Firstly, the air con produce loud noises and it is not cold. Secondly, the ignition coil is damaged. Thirdly, they sold me car with 20% left brake pads and 2 missing speakers which i found out after a month on top of the wear and tear issues. Can the air con and ignition (or any other engine) issues be claimed under lemon law? Dealer is pushing blame around and challenging to discuss with invalid reasons.

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1 Answer

Firstly, if the STA report includes any of the defects that you mentioned, then you are not protected under lemon law. Brake pads definitely belongs to the wear & tear category. Missing speakers is also not covered. As for the aircon & ignition coil problem, it is a grey area, but it should be under lemon law. I suggest you file a report with CASE and let them sort it out for you.

over 8 years ago