asked about General

about 6 years ago

Under the LTA's Private Car Rental Scheme, are private car owners allowed to rent out their vehicles on weekends and public holidays?

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Hi there! Private car owners are allowed to rent out their vehicles on weekends and public holidays under the following terms and conditions:

- Vehicle must be registered under the name of a private individual. (Company vehicles are not allowed under the scheme)

- Vehicle is only allowed for private usage only (No chauffeur-driven plate/private hire rentals are allowed)

- Car owner ensure insurance coverage for the period of rental (Hirer must meet the required age & driving experience in the insurance policy)

- Hirer must check that vehicle is adequately covered by insurance for period of rental

Do note that it's illegal to extend the rental period across weekdays.

To find out more, you can read the full article here -


about 6 years ago